Someday I’ll have a job that I love.

Since this is in fact a place where I attempt to make “someday” into “today”, I figure it’s time to update on one of the biggest areas of my life: career.

I never pictured myself in my current situation.  When I was younger I had it all figured out: I’d go to law School, become some high powered attorney who would consistently crush my competition with my incredible logic, knowledge of the law, and my charming wit… 🙂 (side note: thank GOD shows like Scandal and Damages didn’t exist when I was younger… I didn’t need that kind of encouragement!)  I would have a corner office in some big city, wear super nice (but professional) clothes, make tons of money, feel challenged every day, and I could go home each night knowing that I had done my part to restore justice in the world.

As with most 20-somethings, I’m finding that my reality is nowhere near the dream I held.  As it turns out, it is better.  Let’s break it down:

Career Field: I may not be a member of the legal field, but I have found a different kind of calling: education non-profits. WOOO!  Doesn’t it just make your heart race with excitement?!  After joining TFA I really felt like I found a home, and an organization that–while it doesn’t always get it right–will always try to do and be better. Especially when I compare our org culture to other people I know, we have it good.  TFA is so open and receptive to feedback, and will literally do whatever it can to retain talent, and make them feel like they can do their best work.  I make a fantastic salary for being at a non-profit, and still have so much room for growth and career development.  While “office politics” still matters to some degree, it is MUCH easier to navigate than I would imagine other settings, and I can see myself here for years (and years) to come.

Office: I may not have an office on the 89th floor of a large city, but I do have the corner, and a view out to our sunny backyard.  The commute is short (unless one of the pups decides we HAVE to snuggle for an extra five minutes) and the hours are extremely flexible.  Yep, I work from home.  While this is definitely a blessing and a curse, once I figured it out, it’s turned out to be so incredible and so perfect for my working style.  I LOVE that I can work from wherever feels most comfortable (coffee shop? my desk? couch? somewhere else?!) and that I can do different types of work when I’m most effective (for example: I do most of my writing/creating in the AM, and save calls for the afternoon).  We always have plenty of food/snacks around and if I forget to bring a lunch, it’s totally fine!  Oh, and did I mention my office-mates are pretty darn adorable?  (although they do tend to sleep and snore a lot during the day…slackers.)

Fashion: Soooo…. I definitely have traded in my dreams of stilettos and form-fitting blazers for a reality of boxers and hoodies.  But that actually is way more practical for me, and helps save precious moments getting ready in the morning (which either allows me to sleep in or end the day early).  While I do admit I want to develop my fashion sense quite a bit more, the occasional conference still gives me the opportunity to dress to impress every once in awhile, which is good enough for now.

DoD (Degree of Difficulty): This is probably the best part.  While I don’t get to continually be challenged with the puzzle that is the law, I do get to design, and create, and write, and refine.  I can’t always say this about all of my roles in TFA, but this one is just SO right for me.  I feel both challenged and humbled by the opportunity to be a designer, and the resident expert in my field.  I get to create things that will be used by thousands of teachers, and impact hundreds of thousands of students each day, for years to come.  When people have questions, they reach out to me confident they will get their answer.  When something doesn’t sit right with me, I have the genuine power to research and find a solution.  It is incredible, and a position I thought would take me many more years to acquire.

Making a Difference: I still go (stay?) home every night knowing I’ve done my part to restore justice in the world.  It’s just a differnt kind of justice, for a different kind of deserving party.

Do I have the type of career I always thought I would? Of course not.  But the type of happiness and fulfillment I have always wanted “someday” is happening now.  I may not have my “dream job”, but really, who does?  Some people waste years chasing one, only to realize that your dream job is not a role but rather an impact.  I have a job that challenges me, brings so much joy and happiness to my life, AND allows me to do good in the world.  That kind of seems like a dream to me.

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