(Still) Moving In!

A much more comprehensive post will be coming soon, but yesterday we made our last trip over to the old house and brought the final carload of our things to the new home. There are boxes everywhere, but at least we can finally begin the much more fun process of UNpacking!

Not too much to share in the picture department, but things are really coming together! A few “in the middle” pics until we’re a bit more organized:


New Rug! It is SO SOFT!


Kitchen floors are done, and pantry doors are here (just imagine how great this will look when they are actually attached! :D)


Sadie and Leila give their stamp of approval (update: It’s been a week since this pic and they haven’t left this spot… I think they love the rug more than us?)


Queen Leila, plotting her takeover of the neighborhood! (Ignore the floors-we ran out of time to do the entr… hopefully we’ll finish up in the next week!)


No seriously, they love the rug.


Our dining room (without decorations). Old dining set but new rug and wine bar off Craigslist.


After our first night sleeping here, the hubs made me breakfast in bed–I am one lucky lady 🙂 And no, Sadie didn’t get any and was kicked off shortly after this picture–too yummy to share!

Annnnnd that’s all we’ve had time for!! We’ve got lots and lots of projects I’m hoping to get done (install new locks, build pantry shelves, and finish entry area) but first, we gotta unpack some boxes. Wish us luck!!

House Projects: Week 3

I’m almost too sore and tired to write this.

I sit here, panicking a little bit.  We are BEHIND.  While we made some good progress today, it’s clear we spent FAR too much time painting and not enough on the hardwoods.  We’ll certainly finish but between the remaining to-do, packing, and cleaning up our old (and new) places, it’s going to be a long week 😦

Not a ton of updates since the projects we’ve been working on have been LONG.  Enjoy!

Painting: We have (nearly) finished the downstairs..  This week we were able to get the second coat on the living room and kitchen, the accent walls, and managed to re-paint both ceilings.  I am SHOCKED by how nice a new coat of ceiling paint looks-it really brightens up the place!


Walking back and forth, he looked like a little minion! 🙂

Moved the Thermostat: We did have our friend (and his lovely assistant) LB come over to move our thermostat.  He also installed our new nest for us!  We’ve loved this guy–even if the rest of our house is in a state of chaos, he look so fresh and clean up on the wall 🙂


What a goof!


Love the Nest!

Installing hardwoods: This was a HUGE ordeal.  Between prepping the floors, opening, setting up and trouble shooting the saws, we didn’t really get started laying the first row until 5pm on Saturday night.  We left Sunday around 7 and were only able to get through the living room and back hallway.  The good news is, the floors look great.  The bad news: we still have 200+ square feet to do and we only have evenings (which means only 2 hours MAX of cutting each night).  I’m stressin’.  More posting to come on these guys!


Floors are prepped and cleaned!


Using a new toy to rip the first row



Bathroom Shopping: While we waited for our shower, we went and picked out new fixtures and tile.  The tile was super fun: I splurged a little bit (totally fine since it is such a small space) and got ceramic tiles that look like marble.  They’re so pretty, I can’t wait to see them in the space!

We bought a rug: New colors require new decor!  We knew we’d need a nice area rug in the living room to protect our floors, so we purchased this one.  I can’t yet vouch for the quality of RugsUSA but I can vouch for their price!  I got this baby at 60% off!  It arrives tomorrow 🙂


What DIDN’T Get done:

  • Anything with the master bathroom (except drywall patching).  Turns out Lowes lost our order and the shower that was supposed to arrive last week won’t be here until Thursday.  So, the shower installation, tiling, and ceiling patch below are on hold.  I am fairly certain this little project will spill over into when we actually live there.  Oh well!
  • Finish painting: We weren’t able to paint the master bedroom, and I didn’t like the color we painted in the entryway, so that needs to be redone (AFTER we move in).
  • Finish the hardwoods 😦


This week is another busy one, full of packing and finishing projects.  My goals?

  • Finish the hardwoods in the kitchen.  I already know we won’t get to the entry (too many cuts, not enough time) but as long as we finish the kitchen, we’ll be OK to move in.
  • Paint Upstairs: We’ve GOT to get the bedroom painted, and Jim also told us the bathroom needs to be painted before shower installation, so we’ve got one more (tiny) room to add to the list 😦
  • CLEAN: We’ve got boxes, saw dust, tape, underlayment, etc. EVERYWHERE.  We’ve got a bit of work ahead of us just getting it all outside in a trash bin! Speaking of that…
  • Boring Stuff: End/start services and utilities
  • PACK OUR ENTIRE HOUSE!  We packed up a few boxes last night and just need to continue doing the same this week.  On the nights we aren’t working (HOPEFULLY Thursday and Friday) we need to be prepared to just be truckin’ boxes to and from the houses to get the move officially kicked off.  Movers come for furniture on Saturday afternoon-YIKES!

Wish us luck, friends.  We’re going to need it!

The First Year of Marriage

With so much house stuff going on, it’s easy to forget that I do have a life outside of painting and tearing things up.  This last weekend, Scott and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary.  Even though we were dirty and tired and typically prefer to stay indoors, we decided to take the evening off, clean up and celebrate!

We started the night off at Corridor 44: our favorite champagne bar in Larimer Square.  It kind of looks like a fancy, old-timey bar, and the large storefront window overlooks the twinkly lights in the square.  It’s so charming, and for those obsessed with the bubbles, it’s the perfect spot to celebrate.  As we we were leaving, the bartender flashed his hand in our faces to show us he had THE SAME RING AS SCOTT!  This is important, because Scott has a pretty unique ring, and this is the first time we’ve seen anyone else with it!  As we were discussing this, a third guy in the bar came over–he’s getting married soon and wanted to see the style of ring. We had to get going but it seemed like he really liked the style, asking his fiance to come take a look.  How random but cool!!


We fancy.


Obsessed with this quote, and want to shout it every time I sip champagne from now on.


He cleans up well, but the LITTLE blotch of paint on his wrist made me crack up!

From there we headed to Osteria Marco for dinner.  Sunday nights they roast a pig, so Scott ordered that and I dove in to a plate of short ribs with–wait for it–red wine risotto.  I may have a new favorite food.  Risotto cooked in red wine??!?!  Heavenly.  I had a drink called “The Sparkle” and our dinner was perfection.  For dessert we had some delicious little bread pudding and then headed home.


Our food was so yummy. Highly recommend this place!


The First Year Fellows!

On the way we debated: we had a bottle of champagne in the fridge (a sweet gift from Treana) but should we drink it?  By this time it was 8:30 and you can’t just have A glass–you have to drink the whole bottle…. what to do??

We figured we have the rest of our lives (later filled with kids and such) to go to bed early, so of course we drank the champagne 🙂


And by “we” I meant the dogs. KIDDING! You know I wouldn’t share…


Proof that pups drink from the outside of the glass. My favorite part is Sadie’s jealous face in the very corner of the pic!

I know some say the first year of marriage is supposed to be the hardest, but honestly, this has been the best year of my life!  I got to travel all over with my best friend, we just bought a house together, and I swear I married in to the sweetest, most supportive family.  Case in point: Brooke (my sister-in-law) sent us a super thoughtful card and house-warming gift and Scott’s parents sent us an engraved champagne bottle!!!!



On April 13, 2013 I became the luckiest girl in the world.  A year later, I still feel just as happy, just as loved, just as lucky 🙂

Adventures in Paint Color

I’m Blue Da Ba De Da Ba Die….  You know, like the song.

OK, so that’s a bit dramatic.  I’m not blue, nor have I ever been.  But my house?  Well, that’s another story.

This weekend Scott and I spent a large chunk of time picking out paint colors then tackling the whole first level of the house.  Since we want to start installing the hardwoods this weekend, we’d rather not have to worry about dripping paint on our new floors.  So we pushed ourselves to get it done.

We wanted a shade of gray with a light blue undertone.  We bought some samples, slapped them up on the wall, and chose our fave: Whitestone by Benjamin Moore.  We even made sure to see it in both the night AND day to ensure we really liked the color.  When we came back on Saturday AM, we still liked it as much as the night before, so we purchased 2 gallons and got started.


Our swatches. Whitestone is the one labeled “W”. For later reference, Coventry Gray is the one labeled “HC”

We started painting at sunset and busted out the whole first floor.  Living room, hallway, kitchen, dining, and around the stairs.  It took…awhile.  But as we looked at our new paint color (at 9pm) we LOVED it–it was a perfect light gray and made all of our work seem like it was worth it!


The first coat after night one. Sigh. Hindsight is 20/20


This was all the light we had in the living room, but even now, all I see is blue.

The next day i was so, so eager to run over to our new house and put the second coat on.  But once I opened the door, I realized we had made a terrible mistake.

Our house was blue.  Like, baby blue.  And with the light spots from the first coat, it looked like fluffy blue clouds had been painted on every wall of our first floor.  We tried for about .8 seconds to like it (since it was so much work–not to mention money!  Benny M. ain’t cheap!) but then faced reality–we had to start over.  We wound up picking out Coventry Gray (check it out here) which is humorous, because while it was one of our original contenders, we wrote it off for being “too dark”.  Hahaha.

The rest of the story is kind of boring (went back to the paint store, picked out a better color, re-painted) but as we go tonight to finish up the downstairs paint, this will now be 4th time I’ve had to edge and cut-in every nook and cranny.  Every window, every outlet.  Every door frame, smoke detector, and corner on that first floor.

Lessons learned from this debacle:

  • Paint larger swatches.  While we did make sure to paint samples on every wall, we painted smaller ones so we weren’t able to get  a feel for the whole room color.
  • When you pick a fave, paint it on the wall by itself.  I think our decision was heavily influenced by the other samples on the wall . Next to the others, Whitestone looked the truest gray (others pulled purple, green, or brown) but had we painted it on the wall by its lonesome, it’s likely we would have seen the blue right away.
  • Maybe you shouldn’t paint the ENTIRE HOUSE in the dark.  Stop at one room (as tempting as it may be if you’re under a tight timeline, like us) and wait to see how you like it in the light before doing the rest of the house.  We could have saved ourselves hours of work if we had just called it a night early.  It doesn’t mean you can’t paint at night–just be sure that you’re in love with the colors before you continue on.
  • Primer matters.  When we went to paint the new coat of paint directly over the old one, Scott noticed that it was taking WAY more paint.  This was fine for us color-wise, but I did realize that priming is more than just covering up old paint.  It really did prep the walls and help the paint go on much smoother, using less of it.

I’ll share pics of the new color (along with what the blue clouds looked like in the daylight) once we get the second coat up–it’ll make a fun beginning, middle, end shot :).  In terms of painting, we’ve still got the ceilings to do before we can install the floors this weekend, and at some point we’ve still gotta paint the master bedroom and put the second coat up in my office.  I swear it never ends…!

House Projects: Week 2

So, I’m a little tired. It has been a LONG last few days!

BUT, still very, very excited to share the updates we were able to make to our place in the last week!  It seems we had a lot of little things going on that kept us from being at the house quite as much as we would have liked.  Monday was the NCAA Men’s basketball final, and Wednesday was a beer dinner with friends.  Oh, and yesterday was our first year wedding anniversary so we took most of the day off to celebrate (first a friend’s birthday, then off to drinks and dinner with the hubs!) but I still think we were able to make a fair bit of progress!

The Kitchen:

  • Drywall work: The kitchen made the most progress, thanks to some serious drywall being put up.  The former door-to-nowhere has been walled off and looks BEAUTIFUL.  The pantry door has been framed out and is ready for a jamb and some doors.  once we get those bad boys in there it is going to look so, so polished.
  • The floors/thin set from hell: When I walked in to see the progress on the kitchen floors Wednesday, i almost died.  Our floors…were…smooth..?!? I wanted to roll around on them, I was so happy.  I know they will eventually get covered up with hardwoods but for now, I do a little dance each time I pass through the kitchen and see them–thinking about the HOURS and DAYS of our lives that we saved by choosing to not DIY this part.

Smooth as a baby’s bottom!


Door to nowhere is GONE! Pantry door is prepped! I’m loving this angle of the house.


  • Priming and Painting: We spent the bulk of Friday night ensuring that both the bedroom and office were primed.  For some reason, I decided to do this WITHOUT the edger so it took FOR.EV.ER.  Scott finished off with the roller.  Yesterday my friend Treana came over and we put the first coat of paint up in the office.  It’s Palladian Blue by Benjamin Moore and I’m in love!  It’s such a dynamic color and makes the room feel so BRIGHT!
  • Master Bathroom Floor: On Saturday, Jim shared that there were some problems with the sub floor in the bathroom.  Turns out they had used fiberboard (think sawdust and glue) over the sub floor which of COURSE is not water resistant.  As a result, it leaked through over the years and damaged the sub floor.  Before we could replace it, we’d have to rip it ALL OUT.  Scott was itching for a manly project, so he did it himself.  It was disgusting work but my man got ‘er done!

Apparently he didn’t remember there was once a toilet there. A LEAKY ONE, by the looks of the plywood. SICK!


Doin’ work in the bathroom! (er, a different kind of work, in the bathroom…)


That my friends, is a bathroom sub floor that needs a little work.


Not totally true-to-color, but the closest I’ve got. I LOVE the new office paint!

Living Room:

  • Drywall work: The drywall holes from the built-ins were fixed, and the walls were sprayed to blend in and re-texture.

Drywall patched and re-textured. It’s as if the built-ins never happened!

And that’s it!  There was also quite a bit of priming and painting that went on downstairs, but that is for another post. Progress feels slow but considering we took quite a few nights off, it still seems solid.  I hope we can really buckle down and finish up the major projects this week so we can focus on actually packing up!

My list for this week involves:

  • Finish painting the first floor
  • Move the thermostat to a normal person height
  • Paint the ceiling in the kitchen
  • Kick off installing the hardwood floors
  • Get our new shower installed
  • Tile the master bathroom floor

I know it sounds crazy, but what can I say?  the Fellows are an ambitious crew! 😉