(Re)Considering my Priorities

Maybe it’s because I got my hair did recently and spent a lot of time just sitting.  Maybe it’s because we had a mini-road trip this weekend and my mind wanders in the car.  Maybe it’s because work has been light the last week or so.  Whatever it is, I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and when my mind is unfocused, I find it reveals the things that are most important to me.  I am about to start my self-assessment for work (performance review time–woo!) and it got me thinking about the things in general that I most value.

I decided to list those things out, and upon further reflection, I’ve found that when the following things are made a priority (or, my days are simply filled with them), I am as happy as I could possibly be.  It makes me think  I need to be a bit more proactive in ensuring I am giving enough time and energy to the things that most fill me up.

(Note, these are in no particular order)

1) Friends & Family: I have grown to love spending time with Scott’s family, whether immediate (in SD) or extended (in CO).  They’ve truly welcomed me as one of their own, and I leave feeling so loved.  Friends can do the same for me, and I want to push myself to expand my “close friends” circle–not necessarily the life-long friends (I’ve got several of those!) but the type of gals that I can call last minute for brunch.  To go try on outfits together.  To vent about work over a cocktail at a bar.  I do have a great “girls night group”, but I also find myself craving one-on-one time, as I’m starting to learn that I get the most out of that sacred time with my closest confidantes (this is when I feel I can be open and honest and share what’s really on my mind).  Of course, I do enjoy groups and hanging out with couple-friends–especially those who send me home with sore cheeks from all of the smiles and laughter.  Now that we’re getting settled in, I hope to invite our friends over more frequently to fill this need.

2) Fulfilling Career: I have been reflecting A LOT on this lately, especially given the rough couple of months I went through this winter/early spring.  It’s becoming exceptionally clear that if I don’t like my job–or more importantly, if I don’t think my job really matters, then I’m not happy in it.  I get that I have a good thing going, and that working for my company (in my specific role) affords me so much privilege that many people just don’t have.  But there’s also a lot expected of me, and if I’m going to do this work and do it well, it’s important to me that I believe in it.  Right now I’m not so sure that is the case, so I need to spend some time soul-searching and seeing what needs to change to make my work more fulfilling to me moving forward. (Another point of privilege: once I figure this out and share it with my manager, I have no doubt she’ll be proactive in helping me make my role more reflective of my priorities and values–I’m so lucky.)

3) Financial Stability: Growing up, we didn’t have a ton of money, and as I went off to college and then on my own, it was terrifying at times to not have a safety net.  I spent the greater half of my adulthood living pay check to pay check, and fearing that one slip-up–a hospital bill, car problem, family emergency–would pull the rug out from under me.  Say what you want, but things like “savings” and “emergency fund” are luxuries, friends–even the most disciplined of us gotta eat.  Now that I’m in a MUCH better place financially (thanks in no small part to marrying a financial planner…), I am so appreciative of the sense of freedom that smart finances affords us.  When we got stranded in San Francisco after the plane crash, instead of anger I felt joy and gratitude–not because we HAD to pay for a hotel room but because we were ABLE to afford one without throwing off our entire monthly budget.  Buying a house has made this a new challenge, but it is something that I now really value about my lifestyle (not having money–but rather being smart with it) and am committed to keeping up.

4) Health & Fitness: Ever since I quit gymnastics when I was 17, I’ve struggled with health and fitness.  I go through cycles, but I cannot argue that I am my happiest when I’m at my healthiest.  Sometimes I feel like I’ve tried everything (well, every HEALTHY thing) to stick with working out and eating right, but it really is just a simple commitment.  I have no excuse here–right now this is VERY out of whack (buying and working on a house results in many take-out meals).  But I’m hoping that as the weather warms up, I can get back into a routine of running and eating healthier.  I am committed to finding a way to make healthy living a part of my everyday lifestyle.

5) Adventure & Exploration: this is a priority that I may not always think of, but it’s at the heart of my desire to travel, my preference to try new restaurants (rather than settle into “regulars”), and the reason Scott and I rarely find ourselves “vacationing”, but rather sight-seeing and traveling.  I hope to make this an even bigger priority in our lives moving forward, (starting with our trip to Thailand!)  It seems there is always an excuse–namely tight schedules and finances–but we have plenty of corners in this lovely state of ours to explore, and I need to make this a more regular part of my days.

We’re entering my favorite time of year (SUMMMMERRRRR) and with the change of seasons can come change in priorities.  It’s time to get back to my basics!


One thought on “(Re)Considering my Priorities

  1. Well get back to me on a happy hour date or lunch date stinker!!!! 🙂 Love ya & miss ya.

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