A lot on my plate!

The last couple of weeks have been…busy.
I’ve been traveling for work a LOT lately (DC last week, Milwaukee next week and a week of selection in a TBD location a couple of weeks after that.  In between, I’ve got baby showers and book clubs and girls nights and cocktail receptions/happy hours.  We have new parents to deliver casserole to, football parties to host and attend, and brunches already scheduled.  We have a lawn to finish, house to clean, and wedding projects just sitting around, begging for attention.

With so much going on, I have to step back and take a moment to be grateful instead of overwhelmed.  I need to be grateful that I have so many friends that want to hang out with me, grateful that my work is allowing me to see so many new parts of the country, and grateful that I have the chance to make NEW friends and have new experiences.  Our life in Denver is far from the typical loneliness that often accompanies a move to a new city, and while it is a lot to keep up with, I am so much happier here than I was in Phoenix.

It also means that I need to make sure the time I do have for myself is spent really recharging and doing things that I need to help me feel like me.  I’m still trying to figure out what these things are, but so far they include working out, watching TV, and cooking (on the weekends only!)  I still want to push myself to try new things and find new ways to relax and unwind, but for now, I’m pretty happy with where things are at.  And that is the first time I can honestly say that in a very long time.  Is everything perfect? Of course not–and it never will be.  But I am so grateful for the life I have, and know that it will only continue to improve!

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