Every gesture…

Every gesture has two sides, One faces the sun, and the other darkness.

Such a simple quote from one of my new fave shows (Damages–it’s INCREDIBLE!) but so much meaning.  A reminder that people are loyal to themselves first and others second.  There’s nothing wrong with this, it’s just the way of self-preservation and instinct.  Even generosity has motive (feeling good about yourself) and we’re all fooling ourselves to think otherwise.

The healing begins when s…

The healing begins when someone bears witness. I see you. I believe you.

A moving quote from Law and Order SVU rerun that I saw last night.  Even though the quote was used in a context much more dire, scarring and troubling than any I’ve endured, it still hit a nerve.  I need healing.  I am still hurting from a long line of offenses, wounds that criscross and intersect and reopen the gashes from years past.