For Now…

I saw this on my friend Vanessa’s blog, and I had to try it out myself.  I feel like doing this often will help me to feel less stress and anxiety about things I’m not completely content with in my life.

  • I am out of shape, and having a hard time running even 2.5 miles…for now
  • I am really worried about money and how our merged finances are going to work…for now
  • I am stressing out about having or not having a bridal shower…for now
  • I am not totally sure what my goals are in my new job, much less how to reach them…for now
  • I don’t have a lot of friends in the Denver TFA office, which makes working there REALLY boring…for now
  • I am mad that I’m not much of a reader–even though there are lots of books I want to read, I just can’t seem to find the time or stay interested…for now