San Francisco is Booked!

One of my 2015 goals was to prioritize seeing friends–especially those that live in faraway places.  I’m pretty much continually scheming up ways for Phoenix bestie Jen and I to be in the same city (rest assured that these plans are WELL underway), and we really wanted a way to see two other great friends–Dennis and Melissa–as well.  We recently found out that those two are moving to the Bay Area, like… right now–the whole thing happened very quickly and we couldn’t be happier!  Not only is San Fran much closer/more convenient to fly to than Baltimore, we have a special spot in our hearts for that city.  Knowing all of this, we figured it was only a matter of time before we hop a flight out West to see them.

Well, that time came significantly sooner than we planned.  Turns out I have a work trip scheduled there in the near future, and once Scott found out, he was on with no time to spare! 🙂  I cannot WAIT to catch up with these two (it’s been like, a year and a half since we’ve seen them!) and to hang out together in a new city.

Aren’t they cute?! Don’t YOU want to see them immediately?!

Clearly we know how to have a good time… And take a good picture 😉

In addition to Dennis & Melissa, we’ve got two other friends–Julie & DJ and their baby girl Willow to see as well!  Scott grew up with DJ and they’ve kept in touch–we always take time to catch up with these two and even stayed at their place while they were out of town last trip.  We haven’t had a chance to meet their baby girl quite yet, and though they’ve since moved just outside the city, we’re DEFINITELY going to prioritize a meal/morning/afternoon with them!

Scott & DJ at a wedding last spring (not their own) 😉

Beyond that, I’m just excited to go back!  It’s funny–with few exceptions, I generally don’t re-visit cities I’ve already traveled to–there’s such a big world/country out there, and if I can only take so many trips, I’d rather see as much of it as possible!   But San Francisco is different–we’ve gone several times and each trip we see or experience something new.  And now we’re at the stage where we’ve gotten past (most of) the touristy things and just spend our time being in the city.  We now take buses instead of taxis, visit neighborhood spots instead of tour book/trendy restaurants, and in general move at a slower pace.  Last trip: we spent a morning riding bikes through/hanging out in Golden Gate Park, then enjoyed the beach nearby.  The next day we walked around the Embarcadero with friends, drank wine all afternoon, ordered take out for dinner, and watched fireworks from their place.

I mean… this happened in San Francisco! So yeah, it’s kind of a special spot 🙂

I’m so excited to go back and experience San Francisco all over again, this time with new people–which will inevitably bring out a whole different side of the city we’ve never quite experienced before.  CAN’T WAIT!!!

One thought on “San Francisco is Booked!

  1. WOW!! So excited for you and SO PROUD of Dennis & Melissa……you sure know how to choose friends!!!! And just think….DJ a ‘daddy’….how great to meet little Willow……..for my excitement this month a trip to Colorado to see my favorite son and favorite D-I-L!!! (Watch out … be there soon….)

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