30 Before 30: Workout Streak

Another 30 before 30 item can be crossed off the list: 30 day workout streak!

Here’s how this one came to be:

I have seen a lot of people do “run streaks”: running AT LEAST a mile every single day for a given number of days.  Some peeps get cray and do 100+ days.  I was intrigued by this idea and wanted to do something similar, though I knew my poor old knees would never hold up.  Enter the 30 day workout streak!

For 30 days, I had to do some form of exercise.  But it had to be legit–a dog walk on its own wouldn’t cut it.  I pretty much did cardio five times a week (35-35 minutes of it), a 1 or 2 mile dog walk almost every day, and on the non-cardio days I did 30-45 minutes of strength training.  It surprisingly wasn’t as difficult as I thought!

Once I realized that the CHOICE of going to the gym was gone, it became a normal part of my day.  I wasn’t dreading it, and found that I really began to enjoy the time I spent there.  I also learned a lot about myself and my workout habits along the way, most notably:

  • While I don’t LOVE it (because it’s hard): running is by FAR the most effective way for me to lose weight and stay in shape.  I lost more weight in a week of running than 2 on the elliptical
  • There are VERY few valid reasons for not working out on days I should.  Over the course of 30 days nearly EVERY excuse in the book came up (with one exception–being sick).  I had some small injuries, packed days, nutrition-poor moments, travel, and even hangovers, but all were combated fairly simply.  It showed me that in the future, I really don’t have a valid excuse for not meeting my workout goals, other than “I don’t want to”, which leads me to my next point
  • Unless I want to be there, the workout may not be worth it.  I did find a few days where I was ONLY there to keep the streak going.  Those days sucked, and I don’t feel like I got a good workout in, even though I put in the time.  This tells me a lot about my mindset, and reminds me that my heart really has to be in it.  Otherwise, I’m better off doing something more enjoyable, like walking the pups!
  • I can stick with something.  The last three days of my streak were in Chicago, while I was at my work retreat.  Not only was I TIRED of working out every day, but I had to make drastic changes to my workout schedule.  Whereas I generally work out in the afternoons, I had to wake up at 5:00am MST to get my run on!  That was ROUGH, but I’m proud that I did it and was able to finish the streak.

This was one of the longest items on the list, and I am GLAD it’s done!  I do hope to keep up the workout regimen, but maybe bump it down to 4 days a week 🙂  The streak was fun, and it’s one more item off the list!  WOOO!

Watch out 30, I’m comin’ for ya!

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