It’s not even 8:30 am yet, but….

It has been a wonderful day at work 🙂

Since yesterday I was struggling with some stuff, I wanted to take a moment to follow-up by focusing on the positive in my life.  Right now the overwhelming bright spot is my job.  Since July I’ve moved into working on classroom management full-time, and have been really enjoying the work.  This area o focus (and new position) has really given me a voice and platform for change I’ve NEVER had before.  This morning two things happened that reminded me of that platform, and how fortunate and happy i am to be here.

Happening #1: feedback from my manager.  I’ve been developing a revised Scope and Sequence for our classroom management trainings at our summer program.  It has been complicated and messy and so many levels of cray, but I sent in my SECOND draft to my manager today and she was so impressed.  I usually don’t take positive feedback well, but I worked really hard on this document and to hear that she thought it was so strong after only the second iteration made me so proud of myself–and I’m RARELY proud of myself!

Happening #2: The Senior Managing Director on our team asked me to give her a call this morning. Turns out she had shared one of my reflections (it was a complex email I sent her on race/class clashes in our organizations–pretty heavy and hurtful stuff) with the SENIOR leadership team for our wing of the organization.  She said everyone was so taken aback–even the SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT of our team went up to her personally, saying she not only wanted to talk with me to learn more about this, but that she was so moved, she wanted to share it with OUR ENTIRE ORGANIZATION!  While that is terrifying, it feels so good to know that when I spoke my truth, it resonated with others, and they felt so compelled to take action by it.

I am FLOATING.  It’s been such a wonderful day, and I haven’t even finished my coffee yet 🙂

It just goes to show you–even when one aspect of your life is struggling, it doesn’t mean everything is.  I have so much to be grateful for and proud of 🙂